Home Life 10 Ways to Love Your Partner Without “Sleeping” With Him

10 Ways to Love Your Partner Without “Sleeping” With Him

While being intimate is a great way to express and show your love to your partner, there are hundreds of different ways to love (without “sleeping” with him!). Here are just some of the ways to show your partner you love them that have nothing to do with making l0ve.

1. Communication.

Being able to talk to each other is an important part of a relationship. When you can’t be honest and open, you lose trust. Thus, having sincere communication also shows that you can trust your partner.

2. Helping them.

If your partner has problems, the best way to show him that you care about him is to be supportive. Make sure that you are always the first one to help him because in such a way your partner will be reassured about your feelings towards him.

3. Spend time together.

Nothing shows someone you love them quite like quality time together. Spending time with your partner, even if it’s just hanging out at home for the evening, is one of the best ways to show them that you care. Loving someone means spending time with them, even if it’s nothing exciting.

4. Holding hands.

You can be physically intimate with your partner without having ⓢⓔⓧ and one of such ways is to hold each other’s hands when you are out.

5. Affection.

Another way how to be physically intimate with your partner and show love to him is to kiss, hug, cuddle and touch him on his knees or place your arms around his shoulders when you are snuggled in watching movies.

6. Respect them.

Your partner has moments where they need time and space to themselves. One of the best ways to show them that you love them is to respect that time they need to themselves. It doesn’t mean they don’t want to be with you – just that they need time to themselves! Giving them all the time they need to be alone means that your time together will be all that much sweeter. Plus, they’ll be able to tell how much you love them.

7. Flirt.

There is no rule stating that couples who have been together for years can’t flirt with each other anymore. Flirting is not only a nice way to show that you still love each other, but it can also brighten your partner’s day, especially if he didn’t expect it.

8. Date nights.

Your life can become quite monotonous after you’ve been dating for quite a while. Especially when you move in to live together, you should organize date nights, which is also a great way to tell your partner how much you love him.

9. Surprise them.

Unexpected, nice surprises to show your love will never go unappreciated. Sneak into your partner’s apartment and clean the kitchen or send flowers to their work. Surprise them with a drive to the countryside, or maybe just a bottle of wine after a long day at the office. Whatever you do, make sure it comes from the heart and they’ll be able to feel your love for days afterward. Surprises will show that you’re always thinking about them.

10. Be forgiving.

Remember that your partner is not perfect and he is bound to make mistakes, just like you are. Forgiving him shows that you love him and care about him deeply enough to let unimportant things slide by.

Source: powerofpositivity.com, thelawuniverse.com