The last entry in Queen Elizabeth’s diary was made at Balmoral, where she d.i.e.d on September 8, 2022.
The late Queen Elizabeth II’s diary writings dated two days before her d.e.a.t.h have been disclosed.
The late Queen Elizabeth, like many of us, kept a diary of the most significant events in her life – but we’re sure hers was far more unusual.
According to royal author Robert Hardman, who discovered the diary while conducting research, the Queen kept a private record, as did other members of the Royal Family throughout their exceptional lives.
Her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, was famed for writing lengthy entries with excessive information, but Queen Elizabeth, according to Hardman, kept her writings quite short and sweet.

And the habit continued till two days before her tragic d.e.a.t.h.
She penned the final entry at Balmoral, two days after meeting and swearing in the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss.
Hardman wrote: “It transpires that she was still writing it at Balmoral two days before her d.e.a.t.h.
“Her last entry was as factual and practical as ever.”
He added: “It could have been describing another normal working day starting in the usual way – ‘Edward came to see me’ – as she noted the arrangements which her private secretary, Sir Edward Young, had made for the swearing-in of the new ministers of the Truss administration.”
It is believed that Queen Victoria penned approximately 60 million words in her journals, which she retained for nearly 60 years during her reign.

When asked about the differences in their writing techniques, Queen Elizabeth told diarist Kenneth Rose, “I keep a diary, but not like Queen Victoria’s. It’s quite small.
“I have no time to record conversations, only events.”
Her father, King George V, also maintained a personal diary.
He even detailed the day of his coronation, June 22, 1911.
He famously wrote: “It was overcast & cloudy with some showers & a strongish cool breeze, but better for the people than great heat.
“The Service in the Abbey was most beautiful, but it was a terrible ordeal. It was grand, yet simple & most dignified and went without a hitch.
“I nearly broke down when dear David came to do homage to me, as it reminded me so much when I did the same thing to beloved Papa, he did it so well.”
King Charles is reported to be carrying on the family tradition of writing down “his recollections and reflections” while on the throne.