Home Personality Jeenny’s Friend!

Jeenny’s Friend!

Jenny’s friend, Debbie was complaining about a sore throat. So Jenny said.

‘When I have that I always give a blow job to my husband and the next day I’m better, you should try it. ‘

Next day Debbie comes in singing.

’Next day Debbie comes in singing. ‘How did it go?’ asks Jenny.

‘Brilliant’ says Debbie, ‘Your husband couldn’t believe it was your idea!

A married man was visiting his girlfriend, when she requested he shave his beard off.

“Oh Paddy.” she said, “Please

shave it off, I want to see all of your lovely face.” “I can’t said Paddy, “My wife loves this beard, she’d kill me if I shaved it off!”

“Please!”…she pleaded in a sexy seductive voice.

Paddy gives in and shaves the beard off.

Later that night, Paddy crawls into the bed whilst his wife was sleeping.

His wife wakes up, and feels his face in the dark, she then says,

“Oh Michael, you shouldn’t be here now, Paddy will be back home shortly!”