Five years after getting married, one woman faces a major problem — her mother-in-law. From the very beginning, her MIL clearly said that she didn’t approve, using passive-aggressive remarks and even outright sabotage. In spite of trying to keep the peace, tensions finally reached a boiling point when a recent incident pushed her too far.
Here’s what she shared

The woman began her story by recalling the early days of her relationship with her husband, Daryl.
“My husband and I have been together for 5 years. Everything in our relationship is wonderful, except for ONE MAJOR ISSUE — HIS MOTHER. My MIL has never liked me.
From the moment we met, I could feel her coldness and the subtle jabs. While we were dating, she constantly hinted that Daryl wouldn’t stay with me for long. She often called me by the names of his exes, like she wasn’t even trying to remember my name.”
“She’s never shown me much respect. Once, on my birthday, she gave me a gift that was obviously meant for someone else — a monogrammed towel set with the initials ’A.M.’ They weren’t even close to my initials.
When I pointed it out, she just shrugged and said, ’Oh well, I guess I mixed things up.’ Daryl tried to excuse it, saying she was forgetful, but I knew better. It felt deliberate, like she was sending a message.”
Her MIL was praising his ex-girlfriends right in front of Kate.

“Another time, during a family gathering, she went out of her way to praise Daryl’s ex right in front of me. She talked about how she was ’the perfect match for him’ and how ’no one could replace her.’ It was humiliating.
Daryl laughed it off awkwardly, but I felt my face burning. It’s not that I don’t get along with people — his family is mostly great. But with her, it’s like everything I do is wrong.”
“The hardest part is that no matter how much effort I put into being kind or trying to connect with her, it’s never reciprocated. She criticizes my career, our home, and even the way I cook.
Daryl and I have talked about it so many times. While he’s supportive, he’s also caught in the middle. I know he loves his mom and wants to keep the peace, but sometimes it feels like I’m the only one bending over backward to avoid conflict.”
Things really took a turn for the worse after Kate and Daryl got married and moved in together.
“I honestly feel like my MIL has started actively trying to sabotage our marriage. She visits us almost every day since she lives just a street away. And every time she visits, she does something to show I don’t belong in MY OWN HOME. She throws out my cooking, saying her son shouldn’t eat that ‘crap,’ as she calls it. She even takes my clothes and makeup, claiming that since it’s her son’s house, it’s also hers, and everything in it is fair game.
She even demanded that we put my 12-year-old chihuahua to sleep, claiming she had SUDDENLY developed an allergy to dogs — something she’d never mentioned before. When I suggested that we meet at her house instead, she just laughed.”
“Once, I caught her in my bedroom trying on jewelry my husband gave me. When I asked what she was doing, she said, ‘This would look so much better on me.’ I was so shocked, I didn’t even know how to respond.
When I told my husband about it, he didn’t see anything wrong with her behavior. Instead, he said he’d get her the same necklace so she wouldn’t feel left out.”
But after what her mother-in-law did the other day, Kate finally snapped.
“But what happened recently really went too far, she crossed the line. She had built a barricade out of the dog fence around the couch to keep Molly, our dog, out. When I asked what was going on, she said Molly had been acting aggressive and interfering with her, so she decided to fence her in.”
“I told her that she was sitting in Molly’s usual spot and reminded her that Molly is an old dog who needs comfort. I’d already been annoyed with everything she’d been doing, and I finally snapped.”
Daryl became angry with his wife and sided with his mother.
“I told her that she needs to remember this is MY HOUSE. I made it clear that she doesn’t get to make the rules here and make decisions about my dog.”
“My husband is furious, saying I made a big deal out of nothing and hurt his mother.”
Kate gave her husband a choice between her or his mother.
“I gave him an ultimatum: it’s either me or his mother. He’s been avoiding this issue for too long, and it’s taking a toll on me. Her behavior is really affecting my mental health and overall mood, and I can’t keep living like this.”
“I’m hoping some outside opinions can help me see things more clearly. Don’t you think I’m overreacting?”