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3 Things That Weaken Your Bone As You Grow Older and Foods To Eat To Prevent It

3 Things That Weaken Your Bone As You Grow Older and Foods To Eat To Prevent It

Aging is characterized by a significant mineral decrease in the vertebra, which causes the bones to become thinner, hence leading to bone weakness. When not properly treated, this could result in osteoporosis. Medical experts have proven that certain lifestyle habits can increase the risk of bone weakness in older people. In this article, I will be showing you three things that debilitate the bones and foods that can help to protect it, as sourced from WebMD.

Below are three things that weaken your bones as you advance in age.

1. Staying indoors always.

Exposing your skin to sunlight helps in the production of vitamin D which functions to keep the bone healthy. Avoiding sunlight by staying indoors is said to be detrimental to health as it denies the skin of vitamin D. Elderly people are advised to spend 10-15 minutes in sunlight daily as this provides the skin with vitamin D. However, it is also important to note that spending too much time in the sun can be bad for your health, so don’t overdo it.

Your age, skin color, the time of year, and where you live can make it harder to make vitamin D. So can sunscreen.

2. Consuming too much salt.

The more salt you eat, the more calcium your body gets rid of, which means it’s not there to help your bones. Foods like breads, cheeses, chips, and cold cuts have some of the highest counts, hence you should consume them moderately as you age.

You don’t have to cut salt out entirely, but aim for less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day.

3. Smoking.

When you regularly inhale cigarette smoke, your body can’t form new healthy bone tissue as easily. The longer you smoke, the worse it gets.

Smokers have a greater chance of breaks and take longer to heal. But if you quit, you can lower these risks and improve your bone health, though it might take several years.

Below are some foods that can help to prevent bone weakness in the elderly.

1. Fish.

Oily fishes like salmon are notable for their high vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid content, which helps to improve bone health. Incorporating fishes in your diet will go a long way to safeguard your bones and improve your overall health.

2. Sweet potato.

Sweet potatoes are loaded with magnesium and potassium. The presence of magnesium in the body enhances bone density, while potassium on the other hand reduces the loss of bone-strengthening minerals like calcium and phosphorus. The nutrients in sweet potatoes makes it very good for the body; hence older people are advised to incorporate it in their diet.

3. Green vegetables.

One great choice: dark leafy greens such as kale, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, collard greens, and turnip greens. One cup of cooked turnip greens has about 200 milligrams of calcium (20% of your daily goal). On top of that, dark greens also have vitamin K, which can reduce your risk for osteoporosis.

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Source:ng.opera.news, webmd.com, webmd.com